What our Customers say...

Fire Damage Testimonials

SERVPRO did an amazing job when I didn't know who else to call. After seeing them in action, they will be the first call I make from now on. They responded very quickly and knew exactly what to do.

We were very satisfied with the service provided by SERVPRO.  They were great to work with and very knowledgeable.  We could not have asked for anything better.  

I fell asleep and woke up to a fire that was apparently caused by a candle I'd forgotten about. I won't make that mistake again, but fortunately the fire was small and SERVPRO was able to fix the damage super quick.

I would highly recommend this company for any fire damage repair service that anyone needs. They are what a service business should be!

Very grateful to SERVPRO! The fire damage is gone like it never happened!

St Louis Fire Damage - To say we were lucky following the fire in our bedroom would be an understatement. But dealing with the incomplete repairs, after the first company cut and ran we thought would be our undoing. Thank God, you and your team were there for us. You are trustworthy, and honest. I couldn't have asked for more from an organization.

These guys did everything right. They met their commitments and had high quality work. They truly do live by their slogan and made it, "Like it never even happened"